DON’T TRIP on Alien Jams

It was so great to have Margarita from DON’T TRIP with me for Sunday’s show! We each brought tracks and alternated them throughout the hour, and it was kindof bizarre how much overlap there was in our selections, I think it worked really well.  You can check out Margarita’s Bi-Weekly NTS radio show  HERE
oMMM- Interlude
Prurient- Many Jewels Surround The Crown
Pod Blotz- Mirrored Tundra
Holly Herndon- Control And.
Bee Mask- Fried Niteshades
Terrestrial Tones- Gargoyle
Richardo Donoso- American Officer
Daphne Oram- Introduction
Caroline K- Animallattice
Sickness of Snakes- The Swelling of Leeches
Flower Man- IBM Untitled
Rabih Beanini- Song of Extreme Happiness
Nate Young- Forever Day
Rejections- The Jt Wrks
Me and Margarita in the NTS studio

November Tenth

Here is the tracklist from the 10th of November!

Felix Kubin- Flies Without Memory
Orgue Electronique- Dame Am Stauer
St. Julien- St. Julien
Frequency Controller- Tsgot
Laurel Halo- Chance of Rain
Steve Moore- Deep Time
R Zone- Houz Nation
Sympathy Nervous- Cold Weather
Charles Manier- Czech Mississippi
Cabaret Voltaire- Landslide
Keith Seatman- Trudie’s Delight
Yellow Magic Orchestra- Cosmic Surfin’

I played a track from Laurel Halo’s new release on Hyperdub, Chance of Rain 

November Dates

Just wanted to do a quick update on the month of November, it has turned into a busy one!
(Tonight) Friday November 8th- Me and Debi (Debonair) will be playing at the Star of Kings from 8pm til late
Saturday November 9th- I’ll be playing records at Kit Club at Power Lunches Info Here
Saturday November 16th- Me and Debi will take over the turntables of the Star By Hackney Downs 9pm til 1am
Wednesday November 20th- I’ve organized a night of live electronic artists, really excited about this one! With Rejections playing and Ectopia, as well as djs Tony Poland (Juno Plus) and Laetitia Deering (Phonica) Info Here
If you are in London, it would be lovely to see you at one (or some) of these events!  I’m also looking forward to having some interesting guests on the radio before the end of the year,
Feel free to check out the Alien Jams facebook page to keep in touch… MY PAGE
Today’s show started off with quite a few early electronic tracks, with Ruth White opening the show with her dark incantations of Baudelaire’s poetry, off the Flowers of Evil album.  These rare recordings were recently reissued on vinyl by Black Mass Rising.  I also played two tracks from Raymond Scott as well as Moog Raga from the Byrds 1968 album, Notorious Byrd Brothers.  Another Moog track I played was by Harry Breuer off the Happy Moog album with Jean Jacques- Perrey. 

I wrapped up the show with Rejection’s Jt Wrks,  ahead of his London gig, on November 20th at Catch (event info here). The Jt Wrks were created by Rejection’s Michael Hann, using field recordings and samples taken from a family vacation in Whitby, back in 2009. My final track of the show was a segment of Terry Riley’s well known album from 1969, A Rainbow In Curved Air. 

Ruth White- The Clock
Raymond Scott- The Toy Trumpet
Lucretia Dalt- Glosolalia
Slasher Film Festival- Frozen Alter
The Byrds- Moog Raga 
Christian Cosmos- Tune The Instruments of the Fire
Severed Heads- Dead Eyes Open
Torn Hawk- Shock Tape
Harry Breuer- Moog Fog Yong
Lucretia Dalt- Soliloquos
Tim Hecker- Amps, Drugs, Harmony
Rejections- The JT Wrks
Terry Riley- Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band

Mind Over Mirrors Review

I recently reviewed Jaime Fennelly’s Mind Over Mirrors album for Juno Plus…

It seems somewhat fitting that Jaime Fennelly created much of his work as Mind Over Mirrors on a remote Washington island in the Salish Sea. When The Rest Are Up At Four is the fourth Mind Over Mirrors album in three years from Fennelly, his first for the Chicago label Immune, and feels strangely distant, while also rooted in the organic sounds of surrounding nature. As a founding member of Peeesseye, which formed in 2002, Fennelly lived in Bushwick, New York until he decided to relocate to island life in 2007. The move was a shift that coincided with his development as a solo artist, work that was created under more isolated conditions.

The distinct aesthetic of the Mind Over Mirrors project is especially apparent through the artwork that Fennelly and his partner Serena Lander have made for all the releases, often in the way of leafy green album covers, glorifying the wild foliage of the Pacific Northwest. The Mind Over Mirrors releases have all featured the Indian pedal harmonium, playing a crucial role in the overall sound. This latest album is no exception, where oscillators, tape delays and synths are combined with these rich harmonium overtones. But instead of serving as a focal point of the album (as can be seen in past releases) it glues the tracks together without taking centre stage.
When The Rest Are Up At Four starts with the sensory overload of blissful electronics that is “Storing The Winter” which remains the standout track of the album. Almost like a cross between 70s German band Harmonia and the pure ecstatic frequencies of Iasos, this track started as a collaboration with Miguel Gutierrez, a choreographer Fennelly has worked and performed with on many occasions. Sweeping harmonies unravel with ease throughout the track, rippling over the steady backbone of the harmonium…
Read the rest of the article HERE