May Third

It was really nice to get back to the studio for my first solo show in a while. I played quite a mixture of stuff, starting out gently with Ashra and Lena Platonos and somehow getting into some heavier club oriented tracks from Perfume Advert and Vereker.


Alien Jams with RKSS

Robin aka RKSS was my guest on this week’s Alien Jams show. I came across his work through my friend Michael over at Reject and Fade, who put out his album “Tunnel” last year. Since then RKSS has played at a gig I put on over at Power Lunches this year, and we recently played on the same bill at Apiary Studios for the opening of an exhibition “I Trust This Program.”

I played a few tracks at the beginning, but RKSS takes over for the last 45 minutes or so. His selections were fantastic!


Alien Jams w/ Not Waving

not wav


Maggi Payne- Flights of Fancy
Not Waving- Enemies of the People
Jean Piche- Le Mere A L’Aube
Hands- Beelitz- Heilstatten
Eduardo Polonio- Arsilah
Flaming Tunes- Another Flaming Tune
Colin Potter- Mainland
Mecanica Popular- Impressionistas II
Beserk In a Hayfield- Tease
Camberwell Now- Speculative Found
Daniele Ciullini- Trance
Craig Leon- Donkey Bearing Cups
Tomaga- Malintesi
Bourbonese Qualk- Head Stop
Green Gums- Cestodas Labyrinth
Not Waving- (Forthcoming)

Alien Jams w/ Chloe Frieda & Not Waving – 19th April 2015 by Nts Radio on Mixcloud

Alien Jams with Where to Now?

where to now


Stereo Machines & Kinesis- Excerpt From Cassette Number 10
Gondwana- Boot Strapping
Not Waving- Battle Mountain
Flash and the Pan- Walking in the Rain
Renaldo & the Loaf- Honest Joe’s Indian Gets the Goat on the Way to the Cowboys’ Conga
Tools You Can Trust- A Knock for the Young
Cabaret Voltaire- Silent Commmand
Theoretical Girls- US Millie
The Cravats- Precinct
The Bugsman Vs. the Rootsman- Version
Axel Boman- Fantastic Piano
Tools You Can Trust- A Knock For the Young
Richard Youngs & Luke Fowler- Energy Gardens
MX-80 Sound- Someday You’ll Be King
Y Pants- Beautiful Food
Rapid Dance- Hidden So Well
Palais Schaumberg- Kinder Der Tod
2.3- Where To Now

April Fifth











Gondwana- Right Brainer
Ariel Kalma- Echo Planetarium
Franco Leprino- Side B
Mike Simonetti- Dark/ Light
M/M- Diamond Movement
Bernard Fevre- Max Stroke
The Lord- Winds of Space
Golden Teacher- Cedal Eels
Ceephax Acid Crew- Capsules in Space
Bourbonese Qualk- Lies (Ancient Methods Remix)
Echo 106- Dark Strings

Twenty Ninth of March










Moebius- Nervos
Richard Pinhas- Greenland
Coil- The Sleeper
Conrad Schnitzler- Electric Garden
Daniele Ciullini- Lipstick on the Glasses
Richard Pinhas- Short Transition
Phillipe Laurent- System Clair
John Bender- Dance
Iko- Approach on Tokyo
Luke Eargoggle- Data Judit
Der Plan- Rosarote Schweinchen
Daniele Ciullini- Naked & White
John Cameron & Frog- Abby’s Nightmare
Zanov- Running Beyond a Dream
Charles Manier- Your Body

Zanov-Pierre-Salkazanov- ARP2600-1977-Moebius-256-301-Studio-Plaisir